Sunday, June 21, 2009

We've never had chickens before....

When we first decided to get chickens, there was a nice list of things to worry about....For example, the smell and sound pollution issues, keeping them healthy....Turns out, it hasn't been that bad. Mostly, they make soft chirps and feeding is as simple as putting the store bought feed in the feeder we made.

我們決定養雞的時候,我們擔心了好多事。 譬如說。。。他們會不會太吵或臭。 目前為止,他們還蠻好養的。我們的雞蠻安靜的。。。餵他們也很容易。

Friday, June 12, 2009

Getting Our Chickens...

We recently acquired five new chickens. We got them from a farmer on June 7th this year. We plan to raise them for eggs. When we (our family) visited the farm, the owner showed us around and we were introduced to the farmer's sheep, dogs, turkeys, and bees. It was very fun.

我們家現在養了五隻雞。我們是六月七號買他們的。我們要養他們因為我們要他們生蛋。他們以前的主人有讓我們參觀他的農場。 他有給我們看他的羊,狗,火雞,和蜜蜂。我們大家都覺得非常好玩。