Saturday, February 20, 2010

Old cabbage

So I went to the Korean Grocery store near my house the other day and asked the manager if I could have left over produce. Understand this is a supermarket sized store. The manager was thrilled to give me stuff and told me to come every day. At first he would have 15 boxes of cabbage leaves and other vegetables that were starting to spoil waiting for me. It was way too much for my five chickens. Right now we have settled into a rhythm where he saves two boxes at a time for me. I go by about every other day to pick them up. It is almost always something in the cabbage family. So lately my chickens have been eating a lot of it.

Lately I have been feeding them a little feedstore chicken food (in the red cup), kitchen scraps, oyster shell, water, and all the cabbage leaves they can eat.


  1. Has it effected your egg production? How about the quality of the eggs?

  2. So far we have not seen any change is egg production. We are still getting 4-5 eggs most everyday. I think the yokes are more orange than they were but that seems to be the only difference.
