Sunday, August 23, 2009

We're back from Taiwan!

Our trip to Taiwan was, overall, fun....(We took our vacation from June 24 to August 20) The photo above is from our trip. It is of us, during the day of the typhoon, which destroyed a lot in the southern part of Taiwan (we we're in the northern part at the time). The food was really yummy and we visited relatives.

我們去台灣過暑假的日子蠻好玩的。。。(我們在那裡是從六月二十四日到八月二十日) 上面的照片是我們 颱風天照的。那時候,颱風把台灣的南部毀了。。。台灣的食物很好吃。我們也有去看我們阿姨叔叔。。。

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