Saturday, September 26, 2009


The plant with the light green, layered leaves and frilly edges is endive....We ate it recently, flavoring it with garlic and salt. Though the added flavoring did not mask the bitter taste that came naturally with the endive. I personally did not enjoy the taste of endive though....



  1. Did the children eat it? I grew up in the southern U.S. where we ate and loved(!) turnip greens. They are a bit bitter, too, but we knew how to cook them so they tasted good. However, it included a little pork, which you probably do not eat. (I added one strip of bacon.) A pinch of sugar helps offset the bitter taste. I would cut up a good (sometimes sweet) onion and add to it before it was cooked. A pinch of crushed red pepper was also added, and of course salt and a little black pepper.

  2. They did eat it. One of four said he liked it. We didn't plant too much. I expect we will have eat it about two more times before it is gone. Haven't tried it with pork (we do eat meat). Maybe I'll try it with bacon next time.
